T-Home - HOWTO: IPTV and Internet via a Linux Router - After switch to VLAN8

During the last months T-Online switches more and more T-Home customers to a new setup that routes the IPTV Traffic via VLAN8. Since the information on how to do the new setup is scattered around, many things seem to be wrong, and there are a lots of questions about the "why", I decided to collect the information that helped me to setup my network.
While this primarily describes the setup under Linux there is no reason to believe that implementing the same functionality under another OS will not succeed.

Setup Overview

You need:


From here on I assume that you have all the cabelling done and that you did not do any setup on the needed interfaces yet other than to get them up and running.

Setting up the vlan interfaces

To be able to properly seperate and scale traffic, T-Home uses VLANs to manage their traffic. You will have to setup interfaces that use VLAN with the ID 7 and ID 8. How to do this with your specific linux distribution may vary. These are the interface setup files for SuSE 11.1:

ghost:/etc/sysconfig/network # cat ifcfg-vlan7

ghost:/etc/sysconfig/network # cat ifcfg-vlan8

SuSE will setup interfaces as vlan interfaces ontop of others if they are named vlan* and if they contain an ETHERDEVICE line in their config. This only works however if you have a vconfig binary installed, which resides in the package vlan installable via yast. Other distros will have a similar named package with the same binary available.
When the need arises, you can also setup a vlan interface by hand:

vconfig set_name_type vlan_plus_vid_no_pad
vconfig add eth0 8
ifconfig vlan8 up

This starts a vlan interface named vlan8 on top of the eht0 interface. Of course you have to substitute this with the interface you have your VDSL modem connected to!.

If you would like to have another naming scheme like eth0.8 please refer to the vconfig manpage.
Of course you have to setup the vlan 7 interface the same way too.

Getting the internet to work

The internet will go over the vlan7 interface, so all you have to do is to tell your normal pppoe setup to use the vlan7 device. Since this is written in much details everywhere, I am pretty sure that you will be able to handle this yourself. SuSE 11.1 even offers you a T-Home setup assistent where you just have to enter vlan7.

Note that it is not needed to provide an IP for this interface, just bringing it up is sufficient. However some setup systems do not bring up interfaces without an ip, so chose a static one for this that will not collide with any of your normal LAN.

Getting the IPTV to work

This is probably the important stuff you have been searching for, and it is also the somewhat most complex part.

Properly setting up vlan8

The vlan8 interface needs an IP address to properly function, and that IP Address you get by dhcp. So simply running a dhcp client should suffice, shouldn't it?

Unfortunately you also some routes over that interface, since the IP TV Receiver does not only get the multicast TV stream over this interface, but also quite some additional stuff, like its software updates (Windows CE 5.0 if you are curious...), EPG data or some generic settings webpages. All those can only be accessed through the vlan8 interface, since it forms a subnet that is independent from the whole internet. Why they nevertheless use official routable IPs is beyond me, but be it so if they have enough of them.

To be able to also get those routes, your dhcp client must support rfc 3442 classless static routes options (Option 121). Since CIDR is implemented for a while now (since 1993) one might think that this is supported widely, but it isn't. As the time of writing this, the dhcpcd that is preferred by SuSE 11.1 does not know about this and also cannot be made to understand it. The dhclient that is also available can be made to understand it, however SuSE 11.1 does not include the needed support for it. The support is a combination of a crude hack and some scripts. Debian and Debian based distros do support it out of the box, so you can just implement the said configurations (maybe they are even there in modern versions) and just start dhcp right away.

To have the dhclient use the option 121, we have to tell it that it should expose the data in that option, we do that with adding the following to the /etc/dhclient.conf

option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;

Then we add this newly created option to the request block of the config, so that it might look like (depending on your other settings):

request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers,
    interface-mtu, host-name, domain-name,
    domain-name-servers, nis-domain, nis-servers,
    nds-context, nds-servers, nds-tree-name,
    netbios-name-servers, netbios-dd-server,
    netbios-node-type, netbios-scope, ntp-servers,

Of course the dhclient doesn't know what to do with the data yet, so we have to give some support via scripts. I replaced the SuSE script by the debian one, and patched that a little bit to make it work (debian has some exclusive shell tools that they like to use in their scripts to make them incompatible with LFS based distros). So the following two files will be needed:


Those are the scripts that will transform the route data as provided from the dhclient (in an array of integers) into an actual route. If you are intrested, the leases files in /var/lib/dhclient contain the raw data, so in case you have to debug something you will find them there.
If everything went ok, the following should show up:

ghost:/tmp # route -n | grep vlan8 UGH   0      0        0 vlan8 UGH   0      0        0 vlan8 UGH   0      0        0 vlan8 UGH   0      0        0 vlan8 UG    0      0        0 vlan8 UG    0      0        0 vlan8 UG    0      0        0 vlan8 UG    0      0        0 vlan8 UG    0      0        0 vlan8   UG    0      0        0 vlan8   U     0      0        0 vlan8   UG    0      0        0 vlan8 is my address so in your case you will see a different one. Also in the case you cannot possibly get the dhclient to work properly with the option 121, you can use this list, however it will likely change one day.

Setting up the igmp proxy

I am using igmpproxy 0.1 beta4, however I think that the format of the configuration will be quite stable for a while.

ghost:/usr/local/sbin # cat /etc/igmpproxy.conf

phyint vlan8 upstream  ratelimit 0  threshold 1

phyint eth0 downstream  ratelimit 0  threshold 1

phyint eth1 disabled

First of all you likely want to have the quickleave option enabled, since that means to leave a multicast group as quickly as possible. During zapping this would otherwise quite quickly saturate your line with useless streams.

We setup the vlan8 as the upstream interface, meaning that the multicast streams come from there. For the proxy to be able to properly route the IGMP packets we tell it the subnets that it should consider as valid for routing. Beside the subnet for your internal network ( in my case, your mileage may vary) you want at least to have all the multicast groups there that contain the channels you want to watch. Adding more subnets (even those that you will never see a packet for) doesnt do any harm.

The eth0 is in my case the interface into my LAN, that is where the IPTV box is. We tell the proxy that this is the downstream interface. Other than for the upstream, the proxy can handle multiple downstream interfaces.

All other interfaces that might be present on your system should be disabled so the igmp proxy doesnt try to handle traffic here.

The igmp proxy doesnt only route IGMP packets from one interface to another, it will also establish multicast routes for the kernel so that the multicast packets travel properly from your vlan8 to your internal interface. You should be able to check if it does all this properly by doing:

ghost:~ # ip mroute
(,   Iif: vlan8      Oifs: eth0
(, Iif: vlan8      Oifs: eth0
(, Iif: vlan8      Oifs: eth0
(,     Iif: vlan8      Oifs: eth0
(,    Iif: vlan8      Oifs: eth0
(,     Iif: vlan8      Oifs: eth0

Of course your mileage again can vary. Unfortunately for linux I wasn't able to find a tool that can change those routes manually.

In case the igmp proxy isn't working (you will most likely notice this by having the TV freeze after 10 seconds, because the first 10 seconds are sent via TCP not via multicast), starting it with -d -c -c can reveal useful information. In case you see something like:

#0: Src:, Dst:, Age:2, St: I, OutVifs: 0x00000001
#1: Src:, Dst:, Age:2, St: I, OutVifs: 0x00000001
#2: Src:, Dst:, Age:2, St: A, OutVifs: 0x00000001

That is, many St: I (inactive) routes then there went something wrong with the interface the igmp proxy thinks the stream should come through, so make sure you tell it that its vlan8.

Firewall Setup

Most likely your firewall isn't configure correctly to play well with the IPTV Multicast setup needed. The best thing, regardless what you enable the is most likely that you do not blindly let it drop packets, but have it log each dropped packet. That way you can see easily what you still need to let through.

There are two things that you need to tell your firewall: Packets it should let through, that is that should be routed. That happens via the FORWARD chain in the filters table. Secondly, you need to masquerade your IP TVs IP, since its not an officially routable one. That is most easily done by letting all the vlan8 packets being masqueraded. So the commands I issue for my setup is:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING  -o vlan8 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -s -i vlan8 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -i vlan8 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -i vlan8 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -i vlan8 -j ACCEPT

As a watchful reader, you surely already observed that those are both, the multicast IPs and those from the routes that you get via dhcp. I only let through those that I see are needed (because my firwall logs dropped packets) to get some insight on what IPs are for what, however you might want to add all those nets that come in via your route settings (remember that those might be different for you than for me)

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